On December 8-9, 2021, the 4th Vietnam Onshore and Offshore Wind Summit 2021 (VOOWS 2021) took place in Hanoi with the participation of more than 300 domestic and international delegates in the form of a live event. online matching. Representatives of Halcom Vietnam attended and shared experiences on operation and maintenance of Phuong Mai 3 wind power plant.

As an annual international summit and exhibition event on onshore and offshore wind power in Vietnam, VOOWS 2021 focuses on the following topics: Vietnam’s wind power prospects, challenges and opportunities, experience shared from investors, equipment and solution providers, sustainable power development scenarios, latest technology updates and technological advancements of offshore wind turbines .
The speakers here are leading experts in the world and in Vietnam from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Electricity of Vietnam (EVN), representatives of large enterprises in the field of renewable energy and international organizations, sharing about Vietnam’s sustainable development of wind energy and clean energy towards net zero carbon target by 2050.
Representative of Halcom Vietnam JSC., Mr. Hoang Quoc Anh, Director of Business Development Department, shared Halcom Vietnam’s experience in the operation and maintenance (O&M) of Phuong Mai 3 wind power plant in Quy Nhon, Binh Dinh. This is the first renewable energy project invested by Halcom Vietnam and commercially operated in the first quarter of 2020, and also the first wind power plant to come into operation in Binh Dinh province. The plant has 6 turbines with a total capacity of 21 MW.

Mr. Quoc Anh introduced and clarified the functions and duties of the parties involved in the operation and maintenance phase of Phuong Mai 3 Wind Power Plant, the preparation steps before commercial operation (COD) as well as internal and external O&M process. From issues that have arisen during the O&M process such as actual power output lower than initially expected due to natural factors (low wind speed, uneven wind quality…), technical errors during turbine installation, long waiting time for equipment to be replaced due to their abroad origin, inexperienced O&M team in troubleshooting, as well as objective and force majeure factors such as Covid-19 pandemic, natural disasters, etc., Mr. Quoc Anh emphasized four factors that need to be focused in order to operate and maintain wind power plants effectively, including intensive training, improving coordination between departments in the wind power plant operation, monitoring operation, detecting and correcting problems, and following maintenance procedures. These are valuable practical sharing to help investors and related units in the O&M process to research, learn and draw experience to effectively operate wind power plants.

In addition to presentations from domestic and international speakers, the conference also held two sessions discussing capital mobilization, risk reduction for wind power investment projects, and updating the portfolio of wind power projects in Vietnam. With great potential for onshore and offshore wind power development, Vietnam can participate deeply in the wind power value chain, gradually replacing imported equipment. However, it is necessary to have policy breakthroughs and assertiveness of both the government and investors and contractors to exploit that potential.